Cyberpunk Character Backstory Generator

If you are looking for help coming up with a backstory for your character in the Cyberpunk universe created by Mike Pondsmith and the team at R. Talsorian Games, then this tool can help! Whether you’re starting with a blank slate or want to flesh out your existing idea this GPT-4 powered character backstory generator will help you build the Netrunner, Solo, or other Cyberpunk character of your dreams!

As always with my tools I recommend that you use this in conjunction with your own imagination to fully realize the character you wish to create. AI will never replicate or replace the human capacity for creativity.

Check out my other RPG tools:

If you wish to leave a field unanswered simply type “blank” into that field.

Cyberpunk Backstory Generator

This will generate a backstory for your character in Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk setting.


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